App Title: Willem's Emotion Tracker
Track: Individual Youth - Individuals under the age of 18 working alone on a project
Theme: Mental health & wellbeing
App Title: Journey to the West
Track: Individual Youth - Individuals under the age of 18 working alone on a project
Theme: Creativity, art & entertainment
App Title: distance measuring app by bluetooth(bluetooth terminal hc-05)
Track: Individual Youth - Individuals under the age of 18 working alone on a project
Theme: Education & research
App Title: AstroZen
Track: Team youth - Teams of individuals under the age of 18 working on a project
Theme: Mental health & wellbeing
App Title: WaterLog
Track: Individual Youth - Individuals under the age of 18 working alone on a project
Theme: Mental health & wellbeing
App Title: GreenLife+
Track: Individual Youth - Individuals under the age of 18 working alone on a project
Theme: Climate & sustainability
App Title: Break your Smartphone Addiction
Track: Individual Youth - Individuals under the age of 18 working alone on a project
Theme: Mental health & wellbeing
App Title: DANA
Track: Individual adult - Individuals 18 and older working alone on a project
Theme: Education & research
App Title: EcoEmission
Track: Individual Youth - Individuals under the age of 18 working alone on a project
Theme: Climate & sustainability
App Title: EduAssistPro
Track: Individual Youth - Individuals under the age of 18 working alone on a project
Theme: Education & research
Number of apps matching criteria: 178